Many people strive to attain an exotic animal for a pet, and which more exotic than the ever loved White Bengal Tiger? This magnificent creature epitomizes the idea of majesty and graceful beauty that comes with the presence of a white tiger. However, what many people are ignorant to is the truth that lies behind their gorgeous eyes. The truth is, what we have "known" about these big cats turns out to be all lies. Many people that utilize these animals for entertainment purposes, such as zoos, circuses, and magicians tend to conceal the horrific facts that are involved in the CREATION of these mammals.
White tigers are renown for their distinctive white and black coat, pink nose, and blue eyes. To achieve this however, serious inbreeding must take place. The "white allele" is a double recessive genotype and can ONLY be achieved through mating brothers and sisters, or fathers and daughters. This has proven to be detrimental to their population, as inbreeding gives rise to a vast array of deleterious mutations. In fact, MOST attempts at generating white tiger cubs result in serious birth defects, such being: "club feet, cleft palates, spinal deformities and defective organs." (BCR) But perhaps the most gruesome and inhumane part of these experiments is that those that are born and not deemed "beautiful enough" are discarded; in other words, they are killed and not ever mentioned or though about thereafter.
The White Bengal Tiger is not even considered a sub-specious because it is one that has been created and perpetuated by man. This is directly reflected in the fact that you will NEVER find a white tiger in the wild. Their entire population is in captivity because that's the only place it is purposely produced and the only place it can survive. Even so, the survival rates of white tigers are dramatically scarce. Only one in a million will live a full average length of life as its ancestral Orange Bengal Tiger. Sadly, there exists an extremely high rate of cub mortality. To put it more into perspective, 3 out of 4 cubs will not even make it to adolescence.
Many talk about helping White Tigers, in their efforts to ensure their survival. But morally, and although it may sound an oxymoron, they are a "species not worth saving." This is due to the mere fact that, beyond captivity, these breathtaking creatures will not survive. Their complexion works against them in their technique of feeding, and therefore living. Tigers are known as very adept hunters, using their orange and black color to camouflage in their environment and stalk their prey. Obviously, their white appearance makes it literally impossible to do this.
It is an unfortunate and truly despicable act that breeders use the development of such majestic animals for profit, especially at the cost of about 90% of these White Bengal Tigers. In efforts to prevent further abuse and destruction of life, animal rights activists are begging the public to boycott institutions that exploit these big mutant felines for profit. This is a beautiful animal indeed, but one that this world is not ready for. Please help in this movement and spread awareness of this sad truth. So now I ask again, White Bengal Tigers, marvel or madness?
(Image courtesy of WordPress.com )
For more information, please visit the original article and check out the video link I provided below. Thank you!!
Original Article:
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___..........__Post Created by Jose Mijangos (5)
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Wow, I knew the "white allele" was double recessive & very hard to achieve, but I had no idea that professionals were actually trying to breed tigers for this.. That is absolutely horrifying to me. It's one thing if this happens during a captive breeding program to try to restore tiger populations, but to perform this dangerous form of selective breeding just to attract attention is disgusting to me. All that money and breeding efforts could be put towards helping restore the Bengal Tiger populations around the world.. I do support these unique white tigers being cared for in zoos (since they would obviously have a very slim chance of surviving in the wild with their unusual white coat) so I think being cared for in the protection of a zoo is best; but I do not support breeding these cats in any way. I'm actually surprised it's still legal when so many negative side effects are known.. Thanks for opening my eyes to this problem!
ReplyDeletePosted by Brianna Eddy
Most definitely! The ambition of money starving people never seems to surprise and disgust me. It's a genuine shame that certain human beings can stoop so low in literally destroying many innocent lives just to try to make a pretty penny. But such materialistic views just go to demonstrate on of the purest evils we have on this mother Earth. Hopefully, in time, those responsible for such atrocious actions will be held accountable for this, during this life or the next. It is not fair. Not for them, and as long as they continue this, it never will be.
ReplyDeleteResponse by Jose Mijangos
The people breeding these animals should be ashamed of themselves, producing sickly animals purely for profit is absolutely disgusting.These people should be facing jail time, in my opinion. I agree that hey are a species not worth saving. although the ones that are already alive should continue to be taken care of, it would be best if no more of them were bred. Other than boycotting organizations that use white tigers on display, and not supporting breeding operations what are some ways to help with the problem?
ReplyDeletePosted by Emily Nobrega
I visited a zoo this past summer which had an exhibit of both a White and Orange Bengal Tiger living in the same area. I found myself standing at this particular exhibit far longer than any other, as I was sucked in by their beauty. I had never seen any tiger that close, as both of the were pacing right next to the glass where you can view the entire exhibit. Their beauty, especially the White Bengal, was truly breath taking. Yet I had no idea what kind of horrid breeding mechanisms were behind the making of this creature, which really infuriates me. I agree that we must take action, and must help the poor creatures from further mutations. Although this is a memory I will never forget, a memory is not worth a life, under any circumstances! The fact that anyone could intentionally make money off animal suffering is truly appalling.
ReplyDeletePosted by Sara Corey
WOW this is the most eye-opening post I have read on this blog. I remember seeing something about how white tigers are the result of inbreeding which often leads to birth defects, but I did not know that the entire species was man made! Or that so many of them are just tossed aside or do not survive. It is a shame because they really are beautiful and amazing animals, but the cost behind that is too much to keep this up. Those that have to live with birth defects or are killed for them is horrifying.
ReplyDeletePosted by Caitlin Descovich O'Hare
This post was heart breaking! I had no idea that these tigers were created by man, especially in such a cruel manner. The fact that brothers and sisters are mated together in order to get this double-recessive trait, risking the creation of many birth defects to these poor animals is HORRIFYING! I had no idea there was such thing as double-recessive. I am interested in knowing what other kinds of traits are create by this double-recessive trait mixing. Why wouldn't these traits come from mixing two recessive tigers that are not from the same family?
ReplyDeletePosted by Abbie Saranteas
These tigers very existance seems like a case of humans getting in the way of natural selection. In nature this trait would probably have been selected against, such ineffective camouflage would make it harder for them to hunt and survive. Coupled with the fact that this is a recessive gene, the white bengal would have been bred out of existence had humanity not stepped in.
ReplyDelete-Rhys Ursuliak
This post was eye opening! I had no idea that Bengal tigers were the product of man. This just shows another way how humans are trying to play god and destroying the natural order. Now, every time I see a white tiger on some webpage, it'll remind me of the cruel, horrific ways that man is destroying these beautiful animals. Perhaps, as Abbie said, there should be research done to find out why only interbreeding is required to produce this white coat, and look for alternatives so that breeds have an incentive to not eliminate the rest of this beautiful species.
ReplyDeletePosted by Michael Shi
I agree with many of our class mates that your blog is really written with great purpose. I can only imagine how poor their genes, they must get so many diseases. I am sadly not too surprised that people would inbreed animals to get a pretty white tiger that will sell tickets to the zoo. I mean if people can justify leaving asprin on the market for two years with the knowledge that is causes deformations and down syndrome in children (affect 500,000 children), it is not to hard to believe. I would be interested in knowing if there ever was a population of white bengal tigers. Before tigers were hunted to extinction I wonder how common they were. I know that you can get white black bears (I know this sounds weird but it is not a typo) in nature. Also I wonder how they first figured out that you could get white tigers.
ReplyDeletePosted by Caroline Adams
Oh and just another thought, but I wonder if they might raise an "ugly" tiger just for its fur....?
ReplyDeletePosted by Caroline Adams
You did a really good job with this article. The subject seems to be something you're passionate about and that's reflected in how powerful this piece is. I never knew any of this about white tigers, aside from how cool they look. I won't be able to look at these animals the same way again.
ReplyDeletePosted by Michael Thomas
Tigers have always fascinated me ever since I went to Bush Gardens as a young child and purchased a stuffed white tiger I named Pounce Killer Jr.
ReplyDeleteYet, I knew that the industries were breeding for a particular look, many animal breeders do it. Look at dogs if you do not see it.
Tigers, unless chronically injured and can not survive in the wild, should be left alone period. Animal ambassadors are okay to a point, but my opinion stays strong when I say that zoos are not natural, forcing an animal to breed with its siblings in not natural. The only time humans should interfere with the natural world is to right the wrongs that we have created.
Great blog post; I appreciate the passion with this blog.
Posted by: Em Arsenault